Start Seeing Results Immediately When You Use Conscious Eating to Lose Weight.



Enough is Enough!

Are you finally ready to actually love your naked body?


How long have you been frustrated with your body? How long have you been judging yourself as you squeeze your “jiggly parts”? How often do you look at yourself and not like what you see?  How often do you “do great all week” then “overindulge” on the weekend and feel bad about it? Does it ever feel like no matter what you do, nothing ever seems to work?

Imagine being able to flick a switch and your extra pounds just start falling off.


Imagine not having to restrict and control what you eat and loving what you see when you look at yourself - without exercising like mad.


Imagine feeling vibrant, confident, and magnetic in your relationships and business. 


The 12-Week Superwoman Solution to Actually Love Your Body is a MasterCourse that guarantees you actually get the results you want. 


You will learn the proven system to transform your psychology, so you can stop trying so hard, and finally solve your food and body image issues for good - so you can become who you are destined to be!

This system includes: 

 DIY - Do It Yourself!

1. (12) Weekly video class + assignment (15 min/wk)
  • Identify Old Unhealthy Patterns
  • Release Old Patterns (Remove weeds at the root)
  • Clarify New Healthy Patterns (Find New Seeds)
  • Integrate New Patterns (Plant New Seeds)
  • Allow Body and Life to Transform Naturally (Let the seeds grow into trees with new fruit!) 
2. Lifetime access to course – so you can do it at your own pace  (Value: $10,000)

DIT - Do It Together

1. Group Coaching: Weekly Zoom group coaching ME with me Wednesdays at 12:30pm EST! (Value: $2600)

2. Accountability buddy: We can assign you a “buddy” to hold your hand through the journey. (Value $400)

3. Personal Concierge: This is a personalized experience, so you have access to phone, email and text support with an actual person to answer all your questions! (Value: $500)


Transform Your Body, Transform Your Life


30-Day Money Back Guarantee


If after 30 days of doing this program, you don’t have full certainty that your body and life will transform when you implement these teachings, you can get a full refund.


(Value: $3,000)


TOTAL VALUE: $16,500


NOW ONLY $9,997!!!!!!! that enough for you?!??

About Me

Hi, I'm Jasmin Terrany, LMHC.


I help busy, high achieving, heart-centered women stop struggling with food and body image issues, so that they can be who they are meant to be.

If you are tired of trying everything (food restrictions, exercise regimens etc.), you’ll learn my Proven 12-Week SuperWoman System to Actually Love Your Body so you can transform your psychology, and stop trying so hard, to finally solve your food and body image issues for good - so you can become who you are destined to be!

I hold two master’s Degrees from Columbia University and am the inventor of Life Therapy™, a combination of Psychotherapy & Coaching + Mindfulness & Meditation. 

I’ve been helping individuals in my private practice since 2007. Specialties include relationships, anxiety, confidence, body-image, and parenting. Seen by millions on CNN, PBS, CBS, NBC, Yahoo, Parents Magazine, Bustle Magazine, my YouTube channel hosts over 250K views and two published books. Hosted an advice show on Grant Cardone TV helping individuals with relationship, emotional health, confidence, body image and more.

In addition to being a sought after leader in my field, I’m a public speaker and world traveler. Most importantly, I’m a dedicated, loving wife and mother to my husband and two precious children Liv & Zen.


Hi, I'm Jasmin Terrany, LMHC.


I help busy, high achieving, heart-centered women stop struggling with food and body image issues, so that they can be who they are meant to be.

If you are tired of trying everything (food restrictions, exercise regimens etc.), you’ll learn my Proven 12-Week SuperWoman System to Actually Love Your Body so you can transform your psychology, and stop trying so hard, to finally solve your food and body image issues for good - so you can become who you are destined to be!

I hold two master’s Degrees from Columbia University and am the inventor of Life Therapy™, a combination of Psychotherapy & Coaching + Mindfulness & Meditation. 

I’ve been helping individuals in my private practice since 2007. Specialties include relationships, anxiety, confidence, body-image, and parenting. Seen by millions on CNN, PBS, CBS, NBC, Yahoo, Parents Magazine, Bustle Magazine, my YouTube channel hosts over 250K views and two published books. Hosted an advice show on Grant Cardone TV helping individuals with relationship, emotional health, confidence, body image and more.

In addition to being a sought after leader in my field, I’m a public speaker and world traveler. Most importantly, I’m a dedicated, loving wife and mother to my husband and two precious children Liv & Zen.

Client's Love 
Jasmin’s is different from anything I’ve experienced in my 25+ years as a nutritionist…

~ Debra Arend

Wellness Detective, Founder, and CEO of Natural Result


“Jasmin’s approach to dieting and eating habits is much different than I have experienced in my 25+ years of being a Nutritionist. It’s not a diet, there isn’t any ‘you can’t eat’, you get to eat everything… just in a more conscious manner.

Give yourself the joy of learning how to connect with the food that nourishes you on a different level."


“Body image/dysmorphia was a big struggle for me…without her guidance it wouldn’t be possible”

~ Suzanne Bradley

Special Education Teacher and Mother


"Working with Jasmin I have grown into the person I was meant to become. Learning to love my body and myself....Without her guidance this wouldn’t be possible...

Body image/ dysmorphia was a big struggle for me when I met Jasmin. I was so disconnected to my physical body and shameful of how I looked. Through working with Jasmin I developed the tools I needed to start loving and accepting myself in my body."

“Not only am I in the best shape of my life, but my relationships are better than ever…”


~ Anonymous

VP Financial Services & Mother


“As a 40th birthday gift to myself, I wanted to “work on me.” I didn’t think I had the tools to do this on my own, but I knew who did! I am so proud of my personal development. Not only am I in the best shape of my life, but my relationships are better than ever. Jasmin, I can’t thank you enough for helping me invest in myself, its’ the gift that keeps on giving!”


“I struggled with my body since I was a teenager – and don’t anymore!”


~ Kristen Arena

Recruiting Lead at Meta & Mother


“I struggled with my body since I was a teenager – and don’t anymore! I was constantly trying to control my weight, yoyo dieting, and never fully happy in my body. Through working with Jasmin, I was able to develop a strong belief that my body wants to be healthy, and if I'm loving it, respecting it, and not trying to control it, it will be the healthy body I always wanted. This belief was proven true when I was pregnant last year, and the weight came on and then just fell off with ease! 

I no longer do 50 other things while I’m eating, and have a gratitude practice that I even use with my 1-year-old son who is now eating salads! I can't say enough amazing things about Jasmin, I could go on about all the things that she's helped me with. She has really transformed the way that I think, the way that I feel about my body. I’m so grateful for everything that she has taught me and continues to teach me.”

“At first I found it difficult to believe…started working with Jasmin my relationship to food and body began to change.”


~ Joan Barber



"When I started working with Jasmin, my relationship with food and my body began to change. Here was a beautiful woman who shared with me that she too had had food and body issues, yet she was able to “eat anything she wanted” and had also gone through similar thoughts and feelings about her body that I had. What a shock that was! At first, I must say I found it difficult to believe. I experimented with her ideas of eating when you are hungry, of praying before you eat, of listening to your body and stopping eating when you are satisfied, loving your body as it is and allowing any food to be “permissible.” I’ll never forget the first time I ate an ice cream cone with no guilt! ... I thank Jasmin for her honesty, her wisdom, her flexibility, her spirituality and her grace.” 

“If you are wondering if you should work with her, if you can trust her and if she can help you…my experience… she really delivers and she really cares…”


~ Olivia Ong

Spiritual Teacher, Healer & Mother


"When I started working with Jasmin, I was a little bit reluctant because what I want to talk to her is very intimate, deep, and it’s something that it’s very difficult for me to open up with anybody. but after I worked with her, she helped me in a very profound way. The knots or thorn, and I could feel that I was pulling them out. Now, it’s healing and it’s nice and smooth. The wound is not there anymore. I was not sensitive anymore, and I feel a lot more open.

I really look forward to work with her more. So, if you’e thinking If you are wondering if you should work with her, if you can trust her and if she can help you…my experience… she really delivers and she really cares…”


When it comes to decision making there are a few “myths” that our “survival mind” tells us, to keep us from expanding beyond our uncomfortable “comfort zone”.


Myth #1: “This isn’t a priority for me right now. (My situation is not so bad, I’m busy, I don't need another class, I need to focus on other things.” (Insert excuse to stay stuck here!)
Just out of curiosity…have you ever done something proactive? 

For example, have you ever hired someone to help clean your home? Or planned out your grocery list in advance?  Prepared for a big meeting? Made plans for the weekend or trip? Do you remember how good it felt to be prepared? Did you realize how much more difficult the situation would have been if you hadn’t planned for it? Did you feel grateful and proud of yourself for being proactive rather than reactive?


Did you regret the time you spent preparing for it - or was it totally worth it? 

Just imagine feeling that same kind of pride, gratitude and freedom you will experience when you show up at meal time and eat whatever you want and stop eating when you are full. Imagine looking in the mirror and loving what you see, or waking up in the morning feeling fit and energized instead of feeling heavy and remorseful after an overindulgent night.


If you decide to give this a try, then imagine all the ways your life will benefit from actually loving your body….

How confident will you feel professionally? How much money will you make when you actually love your body? How amazing will your relationships & family be? And for a bonus, how satisfying will it be to actually create deep meaningful soul friendships through this journey?

You are the foundation of your life. When you suffer, everything suffers. When you are good, things are good. When you are amazing, you are unstoppable. 


I’m not sure it’s for you…. but if you aren't an average woman who settles for mediocrity - and you are a little like me, a superwoman who creates her dream reality - then join us - because I am certain you won’t regret it!

Myth #2: “This will be harder than it seems…it sounds too good to be true.”

I have a confession…

Something you don’t know about me is that I hate doing “hard things.”

One of my most favorite things to do is simplify difficult concepts. 

I have a story for you….I’ve always been a great student. So for my exams in grad school, I would read the book - and take notes - then I’d go back and highlight my notes -  then I go back and condense those notes -  and I would keep rewriting and condensing them until I could fit the entire’s book worth of notes onto one sheet of paper! 

Then I would make copies of that paper for all my friends - and host study groups - where we only reviewed that one piece of paper together! 

My friends didn’t even have to read the book! They only had to study that one page that I explained to them! (hmmm…just realizing now I’m a pretty awesome friend! 😛)

Anyways, the good news is that I used this same process to create this 12-Week Superwoman System to Actually Love Your Naked Body for you! 

You only have to spend 15 minutes a week to learn concepts that I spent an entire lifetime studying and condensing for you.

You are welcome! :)

Myth #3: “I don’t want to spend money..”

Just out of curiosity, what makes you say that?

I ask this because it has been one of the most prominent “myths” of my own survival mind. No matter how much money I have, I feel reluctant to spend it - especially on myself. 

I have always felt more comfortable in the giving role then the receiving role (hence my profession). As a result, I struggled to really open myself up to receive (money, guidance, help, support). 

It took me some time to start charging the big bucks in my private practice, simply because I preferred to “give it away” - but what I’ve learned is that people who pay, pay attention. The more someone pays, the more seriously they commit. That’s one of the reasons my clients are so successful. 

So, the necessity for you to pay for this experience is so that you actually benefit from it.

(At this point, I’m even concerned it might even be too cheap for you to take seriously, which is why the price will continue to increase with future cohorts!)

Part of my own abundance practice is noticing my “I don’t want to spend money” voice. When I hear it, I observe the contraction in my body (fear/scarcity mindset) and take a deep breath and choose faith over fear.  

When I spend money, especially on myself, I practice celebration! 

I know that if I spend it, then the divine flow of abundance brings me more somewhere else. 

It’s been a powerful experience that the more I spend, the more I trust, and the more I trust, the more I receive….

It’s actually very similar to the practice of conscious eating - learning to trust the signals of your body rather than the fears of your mind. 

But don’t worry, we will continue to work through your fears and resistance in our coaching calls! 


The Big Promise!!!


In this 12-Week Superwoman System to Actually Love Your Naked Body, you will:
  1.   Identify Old Unhealthy Patterns
  • Emotional – How do you handle uncomfortable feelings?
  • Psychological – How do you talk to yourself?
  • Spiritual – How much do you trust in God/Universe/Nature?
  • Physical – How do you treat your body?
  • Lifestyle/Behavior – Do your habits help you?
  1.   Release Old Patterns (Remove weeds at the root)
  2.   Clarify New Healthy Patterns (Find New Seeds)
  3.   Integrate New Patterns (Plant New Seeds)
  4.   Allow Body and Life to Transform Naturally (Let the seeds grow into trees with new fruit!)




You may never find this course again online (I rarely do social media)


If I do offer it again, prices will increase


And don’t worry…if you have any extra questions, you will get direct contact info to your concierge who can answer them directly


Are you finally ready to actually love your naked body?


You don’t have to keep doing things the hard way. It’s time to stop trying so hard, and actually get the results you want.  It’s time to flow through life with ease and grace – and feel vibrant, confident, and magnetic in your body – so you can create the most fulfilling, loving connected relationships and the most abundant, successful, purpose-driven life possible.
And it will be fun to do it together!

Are you ready to join us?


Women who trust their intuition and make decisions quickly are the most successful and the most enjoyable to work with, so most women have already signed up by now, and won’t even read this!


But if you’re still reading…


Now is your last chance to see if there is a spot available for you in the upcoming cohort!

Are you ready to join us?


Women who trust their intuition and make decisions quickly are the most successful and the most enjoyable to work with, so most women have already signed up by now, and won’t even read this!


But if you’re still reading…


Now is your last chance to see if there is a spot available for you in the upcoming cohort!



Frequently Asked Questions